A crowd-sensing geospatial database for the monitoring of rural areas


All the Operative Units are involved in the transversal activities of the project and are also responsible for the specific local activities of the project as described below.

OU1 – VT

Remote sensing application to hyperspectral and SAR imagery

OU2 – UD

Small landscape features mapping

OU3 – RC

Remote sensing application for dry stone artefacts and LULC maps

View →

OU4 – BO

Rural structures and heritage

View →

OU5 – AN

Landscape quality

View →


Workshop on rural land:
“Crowdsensing e telerilevamento per la biodiversità e l’analisi del territorio rurale”

Napoli, 08/11/2024

Workshop on rural land:
“Monitoraggio del paesaggio rurale e dei sistemi del verde. Nuovi strumenti di conoscenza oer la transizione ecologica e tecnologica”

Udine, 22/03/2024


By downloading this application, users can introduce useful information to Italian researchers, mainly in the field of agroforestry. Go to the App page for more information.


Principal investigator
Prof. Maria Nicolina Ripa
Tel. 0761357362

Tuscia University
DAFNE Department of Agriculture and Forest Sciences
Via S.M. in Gradi n.4, 01100 Viterbo, ITALY

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