The project aims to address key challenges in rural areas by creating a platform and a database for monitoring and analyzing agro-forestry systems, leveraging digital and remote sensing technologies. Key points include: rural transformation and regeneration, EU policies adaptation, digital agriculture, Earth Observation programs exploitation, technological integration, Socio-economic benefit for farmers, environmental awareness.

This kind of system must be operable in different areas and with different technologies. For this reason, experiments in different fields of application will be carried out and will be managed by five Operative Unites (OUs).

The project is organized in different Work Packages (WPs):

After creating the database and defining usage policies, within the WP3 – local application, each OU will focus on specific research topics:

Remote sensing application to hyperspectral and SAR imagery

Small landscape features mapping

Remote sensing application for dry stone artefacts and LULC maps

Rural structures and heritage

Landscape quality